What a joy it is for us to be able to share our faith!

If you’ve browsed around our site long enough, you’ve noticed by now we’re all about doing just that! We believe that in doing so, our lives are transformed once again to express the reflection of the relationship we say we have with a Saviour who is ALIVE AND WELL. It’s real. He wants it to become real for you. How? Well, over the course of our walk we’ve learned that preparation is one of the keys to tapping in to this real encounter with Jesus. He said after all that ‘if’ we would follow Him, He would make us fishers of men. Now if He said it, I believe it, how about you?
E101 was developed out of years of experience in trying and failing. We’ve had opportunities everywhere in life to be witnesses to our saving Lord. As we’ve stepped out, we’ve learned. From that learning process, we’ve put together an offering of teachings that are aimed at overcoming most of the hurdles we’ve faced in learning how to share Jesus with a lost and dying world. I mean, let’s face it, when it comes right down to it, I was sacred to death to open my mouth and talk about Jesus. I just felt so unprepared, inadequate, and sensed my imminent failure if I ever got into a legitimate conversation with anyone regarding salvation. I was SO WRONG! That couldnt’ be further from the truth. You say: “well Mike, that’s you! what about me?” I hear ya.. LOL. But if you look at God’s word and begin to realize that the same tactics, fears, obstacles, and opportunities come to us all, you’ll begin to understand that it doesn’t matter who it is, it is possible with God. Remember, if He said He would make us fishers of men… HE can…and HE will! It’s all about the ‘if’ though. IF we will follow.

Our teaching format varies.

 We’ve seen excellent results from a 5 day approach where we engage people on a fast track to fishing. We’ve also slowed it down a bit and delivered over a 5 week process. Either way, we can partner with you to secure a strategy and format that best suits your church’s needs. The main objective: teach people how to engage others in a conversation about their salvation and give them the biblical basis for accepting Christ as their Saviour and Lord. Ultimately making fishers of men with God’s help. Simple!
Mike Turner
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